Sunday, September 29, 2019

ITEP Courses Begin

This week we began teaching one ITEP course.  ITEP is International Teacher Education Program.  We are teaching teachers at the college (which is the junior and high school) and the Primary school who do not have teaching certificates.  There are only 3 teachers from both schools combined that haven't been certified either by the ITEP program or from a university.  Kim really wanted to start with the class management class but all 3 teachers had already taken that course.  He was hoping to get other teachers to join the class just as a refresher.  But since the main teachers have had it, we went with the computer and technology class.  We taught on Tuesday and Thursday after school this past week. They were 2 hours each night.  The first night we had 4 teachers there.  Two that were required, one that is a permanent sub who signed up for the class and a teacher who just wanted to come.  It was a great evening.  On Thursday night our class expanded to 8 students and one from Tuesday night wasn't able to make it!  It was fun to have a "big" group.  They seemed to be enjoying learning some new things they can do with their computers.  One of the 8 students was the Principal from the primary school.  We have really been enjoying her.  She's got a take charge personality and she says what she thinks!

The Primary School is concerned about some students that have really low reading.  I tested 5 first graders, a third grader and a fifth grader.  Two of the first graders tested at a level B and the rest tested at a level A.  Level B is low for the beginning of first grade so Level A and B are Super Low for the end of first grade--let alone 3rd and 5th.  We are now in the last trimester of the year.  I believe the 5th grader is new to the school this year.  Both of the upper grade students miss a lot of school.  So pretty sad senario for all cases.  I told them I would work with them to see if I can get some progress with them.  BUT the main thing that needs to happen is teaching teachers what to do with these kids.  I'm not sure how they are teaching reading.  I plan to do some observing in the classrooms and Kim and I are starting this week to do some mini lessons on reading strategies in their weekly faculty devotionals.  Wish us luck!

Last Sunday in our Branch, I was asked to teach  part of the primary lesson.  I put together a little presentation.  It's been a LONG time since I've been in Primary.  The children aren't very disciplined and many are going in and out of the room as they please.  I was asked today to take the whole primary time next Sunday.  It looks to me like they just keep all the kids together the whole hour.  No dividing into classes.  She told me they usually do 20 minutes of music time.  She wants me to take care of that as well.  Welcome to the Korovou Branch Sister Roper.  Kim was asked to teach the gospel doctrine class in two weeks, but we have plans to go to Lavuka, an island just east of here, that weekend with Elder and Sister Mendenhall who are temple missionaries here.  Sister Tamani, the gospel doctrine teacher, said she will get him another time and I'm sure she will.  We were also asked to speak in Sacrament Meeting today.  I really wonder how much they understood since usually their meetings are conducted in Fijian.  I think though most understand English and just feel more comfortable speaking English.  The children all speak English pretty good.  This is such a learning experience for us.  We are enjoying the people and the long drive to church.

Today on the way home, we took a long-cut out to a beach.  It was about 25 minutes off the highway and half of it was a gravel road.  BUT we did find it.  It was beautiful with hardly anyone there.  We walked up and down the beach for a couple of hours and then headed home.

Pictures of the week:
 Sera, Joana (twins) and Abygail.  We're working on 1 to 1 matching.
Our class on Thursday night.  The Primary School Principal, Meisi,  is at the end of the table.
I was asked to help with Primary.  It was really fun.  This is the whole primary. 
Teaching Primary at church....not the Primary School. 😂
These little boys were all in the kitchen taking the used sacrament cups and drinking water out of them.  😂😂😂
The LDS Church College Assembly.
Devotional at the college.  They have some type of devotional every week.  Sometimes it's the whole school and sometimes it's by grade level or combined grades. This was the whole school. They sit by grades.

Recognizing students that were on the basketball team that went to state.  

Funny Story:  Kim goes in to talk to the secretary. While he's talking to her he sat down in the chair beside her and then leaned back.  As he's leaning back, the chair just kept going and before he knew it he was on the ground.  I was in the next room and heard him go over!  When I looked I saw his legs in the air and since he was wearing a sulu...well let your imagination go!  There he was in all his glory!  I was laughing pretty hard.  I'm not so sure he thought it was so funny, although he was laughing.  As you can see, he completely broke the chair.  But according to others in the office, the chair was already broken and he just finished it off. 😂😂 😂 😂 😂


  1. Sounds like you had an interesting week!

  2. That makes me laugh! Kim's a good sport:) Love you guys. Looks amazing like you!


Goodbyes with lots of Hugs and Tears

 I realize we have now been home almost 4 weeks.  Wow how time flies.  But I still wanted to make one last and final post.  We absolutely lo...