Saturday, August 27, 2022

Primary and Relief Society Activities

Last weekend, the Primary and Relief Society had activities on Saturday.  We went up to Korovou to support them.  Sister McBride (MLS missionary and RS secretary) taught the sisters how to make crepes. Crepes have simple ingredients that all of the sisters can easily get.  They filled them with bananas, jams and pudding.  The sisters really enjoyed learning a new recipe and a whole new type of food.  

While the Relief Society was meeting, the Primary was outside have a Primary Birthday Party.  They played some good old fashioned games but the highlight was the slip and slide on the hill by the church.  They had a hose they squirted some tarps with water and then squirted shampoo on them.  They slid all the way to the bottom and when the teenagers came and slid, they slid all the way through the grass and to the fence.  So much fun! But the day ended with the best treat ever for Primary kids--ice dogs!  What's an ice dog?  Ice cream (chocolate in this case) in a hot dog bun!  😅😂 I was really confused for several days until I found out that they were suppose to have hot dogs and ice cream cones. When the store ran out of hot dogs, they didn't want the buns to go to waste.  So, they put the ice cream in the buns.  Cones will wait for another day! Now, that's being resourceful!



Teenage boys rolling tires-trying to knock the other's tires out!  Having so much fun.
Relay Races-had to tag the Elders

Message from the Elders.  They LOVE the missionaries.
I don't know who he is.  I think he lives in the village.  He became my buddy and followed me every where I went! 💙💙

Elder Roper snuck in for a taste!
Beautiful women!  Sisters in the gospel.

Moce! (Good Bye!)
This is what happens when they discover your backup has a camera!  😂😂😂

Until next time!  Life is busy!  Life is Good!  We miss our family so much!  Thank Goodness we love the people in Fiji! 

Goodbyes with lots of Hugs and Tears

 I realize we have now been home almost 4 weeks.  Wow how time flies.  But I still wanted to make one last and final post.  We absolutely lo...