Saturday, November 16, 2019

Kindergarten Graduation

We have been so busy trying to get the school ended successfully.  Their school year is completely different than ours.  It starts mid January and ends mid November.  There are some things that I really like about that.  Start the year with a new class.  It just feels natural.  BUT, you don't get to be in school for the Christmas season.  So that in itself is enough to not be on this schedule.  Anyway, school officially ended on Friday.  This coming week the teachers will be in school for in-service classes.  Many are tired and burned out and would rather be done and come back in January for a fresh start.  Hopefully they'll get a spark that will help them look forward to a new year in a couple of months.

A week ago Friday we had Kindergarten (Kindy) Graduation.  It was the first year that the school has done a graduation for the kindergartners.  I think it was a success and they'll see many more of them.  The parents here are no different then parents in America.  They all want to be front and center so they can get a hundred pictures of their little darlings.  The kindies were all dressed up and most had salusalus (lei type garlands).  They asked me to be the guest speaker.  What an honor.  They do everything in the chapel next door.  They had the kindergartners sitting up on the stand.  I wanted to talk directly to them so it was a little awkward since I was at the pulpit.  But it all worked out just fine!

Here are a few of our many pictures from the event.

 This is Tima Vitinavulagi and her son Teancum.  Tima opened her "remedial" room to me so I could have a place to tutor students.  Teancum comes in many times through the day.  He's become my little buddy.  I love both of these great people to pieces!
Here they are getting lined up for the procession into the chapel.

 Aren't they adorable?!
 I kind of had to laugh because this little guy was crying like it was the 1st day of school.  😅😢
So fancy!
 Typical 5 year old!
 Love the thumbs up!
 This girl led the music for all the songs.  She even led them when they performed a special musical number.  So impressive.  And they sing a cappella.  She sang the first line...said "2-3" and they all began.

Here I am awkwardly trying to talk to the kids. Plus I shared a short version of "Oh, the Places You'll Go" by Dr. Suess.  It was on a power point on the big screen behind them.  

This is all for now!  I'll be adding more pictures later from our Awards Assembly at the Primary School, the 6th Grade Graduation, Dinner & Dance, the College Awards Assembly and the College Graduation.  Wow!  What a week. But for now...enjoy a short post.  I've got a presentation I need to work on..... 😀😅

Goodbyes with lots of Hugs and Tears

 I realize we have now been home almost 4 weeks.  Wow how time flies.  But I still wanted to make one last and final post.  We absolutely lo...