Tuesday, December 13, 2022

NOVEMBER, So Grateful

 I have much to be grateful for. As always, November is a time to give thanks and my blessings are abundant.  We've enjoyed the dorm students.  Each Wednesday, we go down to help the students with their homework.  Mostly it is the year 11s from Vanuatu that come out of their dorm areas and study in the cafeteria. We try to help but when it comes to their maths (no that is not a spelling mistake..that's how they say and write math) and chemistry and such, we aren't much help.  If they need help in English, then we can do that.  Makes you feel a bit old and "stupid" but it is what it is.  We enjoy visiting although we try not to be too distracting.  

When we went home in March 2020 because of Covid, we thought we would be returning in a few months.  I got the help from my granddaughter, Brinley, and we made 50 friendship bracelets to take back with me.  When it came to being the end of the year, we realized we weren't going back any too soon and I knew some of the dorm students would be going home after graduating.  I decided to send them and hope they got them before they left.  Gratefully that happened and the dorm mom videoed the girls opening the bracelets and sent that to me.  It did my heart good.

 When we came back in April, I brought 2 gallon ziplock bags with embroidery thread to make bracelets with the students.  But every month when we went there, I couldn't figure out the logistics to get the supplies to each of the 50 students.  I had downloaded a couple of videos to teach them but I couldn't figure out the process.  One night as I lay in my bed wide awake, the "vision" of doing the bracelets came to me.  It seemed so simple. I didn't know why I hadn't thought of it earlier.  So for November, I showed them 4 videos with 4 different bracelet styles they could make.  Each table had the materials all ready for them.  Then I put the videos on repeat and they got to work.  I was SO impressed.  My biggest fear was that the boys would think it was a lame activity.  But one of the boys was actually wearing his bracelet that I had originally sent, it gave me hope.  Some of the boys were more into it then some of the girls.  We didn't have time for most of them to complete their bracelets, but some that chose a simple one were able to finish.  I have since seen the final results of several and I'm very proud of them.  So glad for that sleepless night and the image that came to me to give me the courage to proceed.  

The orginal bracelets when the girls received them!

And ....making new bracelets!

Wewena was holding the end over her toes and tying from there! Now that's resourceful!

And DONE!  ✋💗😍👏
For Thanksgiving, all the senior couples got together for a potluck Thanksgiving Dinner. We were able to use the service center Patron Housing.  They have a large kitchen and eating area.  The Patron Housing is used for visitors coming from out of town to go to the temple.  It is right next to the temple with the car park in between.  
We had pretty much everything from a traditional Thanksgiving except for the turkey.  We did find a frozen turkey at one of the stores but it was $89 / kg.  That's about $45 US.  It would have cost several hundred dollars and it looked like it had been there a LONG time.   There wasn't any pumpkin pie either, but we had several other options.

Kim put together a little presentation on gratitude before we ate.

Elder & Sister Hinkson from St. George.  Their apartment is right next door to ours.

Korvou Branch had their Primary Program on November 27.  I couldn't understand a word of it except for the singing.  For some reason, they sing the Primary Songs in English.  And just like all Fijians, they sing with all their hearts.  
This little guy....so cute! The Relief Society made ties and scarves for all the children....red, yellow and blue!


They had a fireside for the youth after a luncheon.  Former Elder Sanele, Peter was the guest speaker.
Luncheon after church.

Young Men with Peter Sanele and Elder Sheffield and Elder Mohammad
These two young men are preparing papers for their mission.  They are outstanding and will be great mssionaries! 
Shirley and Livini.  I helped Livini with the music so they gave me a scarf!
I wanted a picture with one of the girls to show how clear it was and that you could see Ovalau in the distance.  It became a great group photo!
Julie McBride
It was a long day.  Kim got tired!

My mother turned 90 years old on November 27.  I posted that I would love for her to get 90 birthday cards for 90 years of life.  I was amazed how many Fijians responded that they wanted to send her a card!  I was so impressed.  I sent them her email so they could do it electronically.  She said she got lots but I never heard how many total she got.  So grateful for the love shown to her. 
We also had a zoom meeting with ALL her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.  Well, maybe not ALL but there were LOTS!  It was so fun to see her.  She looked amazing.  I have the best mom.  I have always felt her love.  She has always had a strong testimony of the gospel of Jesus and a beautiful example of how to live.  Love you Mom!
At my sister, Cheri's house for Thanksgiving and her birthday.

Sister Toganivalu's year 5 class made posters for my mom.  LOVE LOVE LOVE them. She took pictures and emailed them to my mom.


I'm so grateful for my mom.  Couldn't have been more blessed.

The young women in my ward wanted to wish my mom a happy birthday!  They're the best!
And the month ended with a special gift for Sophie Turavu and her family.  Sophie has had a desire to play the piano.  I have been trying to teach her on Sundays with the keyboard in the chapel but she has no way to practice during the week.  When I have tried to teach there are always MANY others who are also interested and come and try some things out as well.  But Sophie has consistently wanted to learn.  I was made aware of a program where missionaries can request a keyboard for a youth wanting to learn to play and someone willing to teach her.  So I applied and within 2-3 weeks we had a keyboard here for Sophie.  My Biggest regret is that I didn't apply earlier.  But I've got another missionary who is going to continue to work with her.  The keyboard came with a book to teach piano and a book of the simplified hymns.  She was so excited and thrilled.  Her whole family was excited as well.  Her dad sat down and played a little and all the kids.  It's been about 3 weeks and 3 of the girls have learned to play beginning hymns.  I'm impressed and super sad I'm not going to get to see the final results.  But I'm so happy for the Sophie and the Turavu family.  I taught myself how to play the piano and so I am very confident that Sophie will succeed in this adventure.  She's 13, about the same age I was when I started learning. 

Peter Sanele bringing in the surprise at the Turavu home.



While we setting everything up, Jorg went and picked a pineapple and Ema sliced it and salted it.  It was the BEST tasting pineapple I have ever had.  Super juicy and tender and delicious.  Then we went out and saw the garden, the watermelon that is just beginning to grow and THE PIG!  As I went over to say hello, he jumped up on the side to say hello right back.  I laughed so hard after I got over the startle.  Such a friendly pig.  Ema says he loves to come out and spend time with the family.  
Long Beans--like a green bean only really long
Pig Pen

And there he is right in my face! 😂😂😂

And there's a pineapple growing...they are planted all around the yard, house, garden.  Everywhere! :)
AM I Grateful? So grateful.  I couldn't have ever imagined we could have so many blessings in our lives.  We love being able to serve here in Fiji.  We love the experiences we are having.  We love the people.  We love our families back home and are grateful for their support.  God is good.  Jesus loves us.  We are ALL Heavenly Father's children and He knows each one.  What a blessing to have that understanding.  What a blessing to be alive at this time in the history of the world.  So Grateful! 


Goodbyes with lots of Hugs and Tears

 I realize we have now been home almost 4 weeks.  Wow how time flies.  But I still wanted to make one last and final post.  We absolutely lo...