Sunday, December 18, 2022


 December has been a month of graduations.  The government finally decided when they would have their elections, which they have been talking about since August.  December 14 was chosen.  Because it's such a big event, everything shuts down on election day. School was suppose to end on the 16th and with elections right in the middle of the week, the education department moved the ending of school up a week.  Which also moved graduations up.  So on December 6 graduations began. We started with Kindergarten Graduation.  There's nothing cuter than a room full of kindergarteners all dressed in their findest clothes with a big salusalu.  Sister Patton was the guest speaker.  She and her husband are also ITEP missionaries working with us and the teachers at the college and the primary school.  Here are some pictures. 

Had to take a picture of this!  All the parents gathered around to get pictures of their child getting their diploma.

This little girl was so cute as she directed her classmates in the song they sang.  Adorable!
Marching Out.
Elder Roper, Temo, 2nd grade teacher, and her daughter Marica, Sister Patton, Ruci, 1st grade teacher, and Tina, 6th grade teacher. We love these ladies. 
The next day, on the 7th, was the Year 6 Graduation.  This is a bigger event since these students will be leaving the Primary school and most will be moving on to Church College Fiji. Kim and I were both guest speakers.  I spoke first.  Very short with the message that they are like the Armies of Helaman and they have been taught in their youth. I also taught that they will go and do many things in their life.  Their time is now.  There is much to learn and much to do and they only have to choose to do it. Kim spoke about his favorite books and then he talked about the book "Tuck Everlasting".  We are on the wheel of life and it's our privilege to live our lives and to be the best we can.

Save (pronounced so-vA) and Tina, the 2 year 6 teachers, leading in the graduates.

Diana goes to church in Korvou with us.  We love Diana.
Simione had to put on a show.  HAHA! There always has to be one.
Meisi, the principal with the 2 top students.  The girls on the left was the DUX, top student and the girl on the right is the best all around student.  Her mom is the librarian at the college and the teacher I have worked closely with this year to teach her how to help the struggling readers. 
Then they marched out and to the stage where parents could take a group picture.

Lunch was served afterwards and this girl came and wished me well and gave me a big hug. 😍
The next graduation was that night during the college faculty appreciation dinner.  The teachers were given a beautiful and delicious dinner to show gratitude for all their hard work all year.  During the dinner, we, the ITEP missionaries including Elder and Sister Patton, presented certificates of completion to 4 of the teachers who completed all 10 courses.  We worked with 2 of the teachers both in 2019-2020 and this year.  The other 2 teachers only had student teaching to do and the Pattons helped with that.  We were thrilled to get some graduates for the work we've done.  Daniel Kissun, Karalaini Tili, DeVani Malani and Mereoni Sovasova received their ITEP Teaching Certificates.  We've worked with Daniel and Kara the most.  We know Mereoni well and she has taken one course with us.  Sister Malani is new this year and we have not had the opportunity to work with her.  

Daniel Kissun is a great man.  We have loved teaching him and are so proud of him.
Kara Tili is the best.  She has come so far.  She almost quit in 2020 and somehow had a change of heart and her heart is now in teaching and she is amazing.  Kara will be getting married the end of December.  We love Kara. 
Unfortunately Sister Malani and Sister Sovasova weren't able to make it to the dinner and didn't get their certificates until later.  
The last and final graduation was the Year 13 students from Church College Fiji.  We know so many of these students because of working with them in the dorms.  We love love love them and feel like they are our grandchildren so watching them graduate made us feel proud and grateful. 
Pascal's parents and a relative to Jeroline.  The man is yellow is someone's grandfather.  I can't remember whose.  These parents surprised their kids and came from Vanuatu for graduation.  They spent 2 weeks here and went to the temple every day while here.  What a fun thing for these students who are living in the dorms and haven't been home for 3 years!
I believe these are Lorenzo's parents.
These are Randy's sister, aunt and his mother.  Randy looks just like him mom.
Leading in the graduates, Bill and Malaki.
Oere and then the graduates begin.


The head general of the army was the guest speaker.  He is a member of the church and graduated from Church College Fiji.  He gave a great motivational speech. The students loved him and all wanted their pictures taken with him.
Jessy and Uraia sang solos with the rest of the graduates as back-up.  WOW!

Wilkenly was the head boy, like the student body president.  This was his closing speech. He lived in the dorms and is an outstanding young man.
Ashton also lived in the dorms.  He received the "lion" award with this young lady, sorry I don't know her name.  It's the all-around best students.
Valavictorian.  Such a cute girl.  Her parents are doctors.  Her dad a dentist and fixed both Kim's tooth and mine with crowns he made right in his office in  less than an hour. 

Hubert and his girl friend


Tima and Tiancum
Dorm girls with the dorm mom on the left and her assistant and Oere, economics teacher

Some of our favorite teachers, Oere, Qoli and Una
Wewena, Nathalie and Maikep
Gloria, Jeroline, and Wewena
Annie 😝
Delia and Joseph, brother and sister

Randy and Eddy

Gloria and Angie (holding Gloria's fan)
Daniel and Jessy
Daniel, Gloria, Ashton, Annie, Jamuna, Jessy
Jamuna and Jessy
Dorm Girls

Henao and Melissa
Aiavuna, Pauline, Nathalie, Mazina, Annie, Melissa, Gloria
What a great year.  What a great group of students and teachers.  We love them all.

Goodbyes with lots of Hugs and Tears

 I realize we have now been home almost 4 weeks.  Wow how time flies.  But I still wanted to make one last and final post.  We absolutely lo...