Saturday, November 2, 2019

Just Another Week

Hello from Fiji.  Another week has come and gone.  The time is speeding along so quickly.  School will be out in three weeks.  I feel like the students and teachers at the high school have already checked out.  They are either done or are finishing up their BIG exams for the government and so they feel like they should also be done with school.  But they still have 3 weeks.  I was impressed today, though.  The biology teacher for year 9 students had a science fair.  Great job to Sai.  These are a few pictures she posted.

Kim has been doing a lot of classroom observations for the principal at the college.  He has enjoyed it and has taken many pictures of activities in the classes.  Here are some of those pictures.

 This is Jonathan and Waisake. Waisake is the boy I've been working with.  He is in the 9th grade.

Below is Una. She teaches economics.  She is married to Brother Korovou who's picture is at the end.  We have loved getting to know Una as she is taking our computer and technology class.  She started the class not knowing too much about computers and now she is a whiz.  It's been fun to see her progress.  She has loved it too!
 We rode out to a little village just outside of town.  These kids were playing rugby.  It doesn't matter where you go, there is always a group playing rugby.
One night when the moon was full.  Have you ever seen such a beautiful sky?
 It was National Children's Day a couple of weeks ago.  The Primary school had some field day type activities for all the children.  They had a great time.  It was "organized" chaos.


 A classroom Kim observed.
A tree at the park outside the city museum.  They have the most interesting trees.  
 These are giant fruit bats.  We were waiting for them to wake up one evening.  They fascinate  me.

One of the bats.

I was speaking with the Primary President after church last week.  When we finished I came out the front door and this is what I saw.  HAHA!  Yes, that is Elder Roper to the right.  I'm not sure what everyone was doing.  Just hanging around after church.  This is so Fijian.

The week we watched general conference we had a meal in between sessions.  These cuties had gone off to the side of the building to eat.
 This is Brother Ramen.  I hate to say it, but yes there were students in the class.  He is the farm manager.  I don't know what class he was "teaching" but obviously it was very exciting! 

This is Flora.  She teaches geography.  She is an excellent teacher. 

These are the 2 security guards at the college.  They are so friendly.  We love seeing them every day.  Kim calls them Laurel and Hardy.  But not to their faces.  Although I don't think they'd understand if he did.  😂
 This is Waisake.  He is the 9th grader that I tutor.  I'm really proud of his progress. It's slow but at the same time it's pretty fast.  Time is running out quickly though as school ends on the 15th of November and he will be going back to his village for the summer break.
 This is Brother Malachi.  I'm not sure what he teaches.  He is always so friendly!

This is Brother Korovou.  He teaches math.  Kim has been really impressed with his teaching. 
This has taken me two weeks to get it posted.  Really this is how each week goes.  I teach on Tuesday's after school a reading strategy class.  Kim teaches Tuesday and Thursday after school a computer and technology class.  During the days I am tutoring children and Kim is helping with administration.  Not really too exciting!  But we still love it.  

Goodbyes with lots of Hugs and Tears

 I realize we have now been home almost 4 weeks.  Wow how time flies.  But I still wanted to make one last and final post.  We absolutely lo...