Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Back To Work

 After 7 days of quarantine for Covid, and 5 days of wearing a mask, we are back to our normal routines.  Covid was not a fun ride!  We were both pretty sick with fevers, cough, aches and pains, congestion and diarrhea.  Mostly we got sick of staying in our flat.  Once we got back to work, it still took us several days when we weren't completely exhausted by mid-afternoon.  There were several days, Kim just laid down on the floor in our office behind the desk and slept.  But after two weeks we are both feeling more like ourselves.

Kim started teaching the technology and computer class last week.  We have 12 teachers at the Primary School and 10 teachers at the College who are taking the class.  We are excited that so many want to improve their computer skills. We've started teaching word, then we'll teach excel,  power-point and google. Because there are so many, we're teaching 2 nights to just the College and 2 nights for just the Primary.  

                                Bera, Save, Eseta, Ruthy and Temo.  Teachers at the Primary School.

                                                                Ruthy, Temo and Kim.

                        More teachers at the Primary School.  Kala, Juliet, Matilda and Bera.

                    Teachers at the college. Ivavere, Flora, Liddy, Cliff, Peni, Qoli, Meli and Bill.

                                         Ivamere, Aliti, Oere, Flora, Liddy Cliff, Qoli and Bill.
                                                    Liddy, Cliff, Peni, Qoli, Meli, Bill, Kim.

Kim sent his drone up and took a video of the college.  Here's a couple of pictures.  Such a beautiful campus.  

         This is the dorms.  Boys in the left wing, Girls in the right wing and common area in the middle.
Kim is working on a video of the Primary School.  Here's a couple of pictures I took of the kids while he was flying his drone.

We went for a drive one day while we were still in quarantine and needed to get out.  We saw this little guy with his wheel on a stick running up and down the gravel road barefoot.  He was having the best time!

These kids had what looked like a plastic container that they had cut one side out and tied a rope on it.  He was giving his friends rides.  Oh the life of a Fijian child.  It doesn't get much better.

Sister Fafita, a former teacher at the Primary School passed away last week from cancer.  She was a wonderful lady.  I loved the display they had made of her life and the flowers were beautiful.

We generally come here when we want some good fish and chips.  We decided to try the hamburger!  OH MY!  It's a double burger with barbeque sauce and a mayo sauce.  It was HUGE and very delicious.

We decided to take our friend Soko.  We take him to Burger King after he cleans our flat. But took him here last week and he decided it's better then a whopper.  

Then he took us to where he lived as a child since it was in the same neighborhood. The roof top between us was his home and now his older brother is raising his family there. 

Last Thursday we had 2 new senior couples arrived in Suva.  Elder and Sister Jorgensen will be over housing and working in the mission office.  They are from Idaho.  Elder and Sister Thevenin will be MLS missionaries in Latoka which is on the other side of the island.  They are from North Carolina.  


Ropers, Pattons, Jorgensens, Walkers, Thevenins and McBrides.
Thevenins, McBrides, Jordensens and Us. Stopped for lunch after helping them get new phone services. 
This week the Primary School got to have covid vaccinations for students that had parent permission.  They started with the 6th Graders.  These were all very brave souls.
Waiting 15 minutes after their "jab".

The waiting and anticipation is the worse part.  One of these boys was afraid that the needle would poke his bone!

                                                                            Here's the proof!

Family Feud with the dorm students.  Fun Night!

Elder Andrew and Elder Sanele at the Korovou Branch teaching 5th Sunday.  They are super missionaries.
And last but not least...the security guard at the President's Home downtown Suva.  He does this march once an hour, I think, and we happened to be there at the right time!

Goodbyes with lots of Hugs and Tears

 I realize we have now been home almost 4 weeks.  Wow how time flies.  But I still wanted to make one last and final post.  We absolutely lo...