Friday, June 3, 2022

Korovou Branch

 We love our Korovou Branch.  It sets up on a hill overlooking the area.  It's the same branch we attended in 2019-2020.  Next door is a little village, Davetalevu.  Here's a few pictures from the village:


I loved this home.  They've planted lots of gorgeous foliage all around.

Sister Tabua was showing us around.  This is their water storage. 

This is an old well.  They have a newer one off to the side but is in need of some repairs.  They are hoping that church charities will be able to help them with some needs with the water system and their dispensary.

Here are a few of the branch members.

These three families are from a different village that is fairly far from the church.  Korovou Chapel sits up on a hill overlooking the area.  It is beautiful.  Their village requires them to travel down to the main road and then turn and drive up the dirt road up to the church.  It is too far to walk and they don't own cars.  They have to hire someone to drive them.  They all come in one pick-up and it costs about $20.  This is an amount that they can't afford every week. I'm grateful for their dedication in joining us when they can.  They are beautiful people and the children are so sweet.  

Neori comes every week to church so he can pass the sacrament. He is a dedicated and responsible young man. Elder Roper has been distributing ties to the men, one each week. Neori was the recipient a couple of weeks ago. He has worn it every week since. Sometimes his mother joins him and sometimes he comes alone. I'm really proud of Neori. 

The Taukei children are stalwarts in the branch.  The 4 children in the next picture are their cousins.  They have been in the branch for some time but recently have moved into the village right next door, so no more long commutes to church.  Their parents had already gone home but I still wanted to get their pictures.  We'll have to get parents later.
These 4 children never miss a week.  Salote didn't want her picture taken but reluctantly came in.  We love seeing these 4 smiling faces each week--even though you didn't get to see all of their beautiful smiles.
Diana and her mother, Nia Tagidugu, actually live in Suva.  Nia was raised in the branch and we always love it when they come and join us.  Diana goes to the LDS Primary School so we get to see her often.

This is the Turavu Family.  They're the cream of the crop.  Emma is the YW's president and Jerry is the 1st counselor in the branch presidency.  Thier oldest daughter, Laisa, graduated from LDS Church College in March.  Cathy is year 11 at the college. Their 7 children are all adorable.  We love this family. 

Look at that happy smile.  Akuila's grandfather was a prominent member of the village.  He was the temple president a right before we came to Fiji in 2019.  His wife passed away just after he was released and he passed away while we were home in 2021.  Akuila lives in his grandfather's home with his mother and brother.  He is also Nai's nephew and Diana's cousin who were pictured previously. 
Sikeli and Lavenia are happy to come in quietly and sit in the back and soak in everything. But they also join in when they have something they want to say.
I simply love Sister Turagarua.  After taking her picture I had her write her name down for me.  Her first name is Iowana.  Even though it looks like Iowa-na, it's not pronounced that way.  I showed her how her name says Iowa and that I graduated from high school in Iowa.  I told her that must be why I she's my kindred spirit because of her name.  Haha!  Love this cute family even though I can't tell her twin girls apart.  That's my goal to remember which one is Una and which one is Tema. 

Shirley and her girls are as faithful as they come.  Her husband isn't a member so it was a treat to have him join us.  He says he wants to come more often.  The little one is her sister's daughter.  She brings her to church with them every week.  Shirley teaches seminary, which is quite a challenge since everyone is quite spread out and no one has a car.  

I don't know this young man's name but I believe he is Akuila's brother which makes him Pres. Tagidugu's grandson.

We have both been given opportunities to serve in the branch.  Kim has been called to be the branch clerk. On Saturday we will be going to the church and will meet the Turavu family and we plan to go through the clerk's office and the library and try to get them organized.  It's been awhile since that has happened, so it may take a good portion of the day. It'll be great to spend the morning with the Turavu's.  Pres. McBride and Sister McBride will join us at some point.  They have some visits to make in some of the nearby villages before they can come.  Elder McBride was called to serve as the Branch President.  He and Sister McBride are MLS missionaries serving from Fort Collins, Colorado.  They are a perfect fit for Korovou.  

The McBrides are on the left.  This is when they arrived with Elder and Sister Baldwin early in May.  The Baldwins are also MLS missionaries. They are serving in Savusavu on the north island.  I've been impressed with their bravery.  They took the ferry with their truck only 7 days after arriving.  They are over on the other island all on their own.  But we talked to them yesterday and they are loving it and doing great.  

We love our branch and look forward to attending with them each Sunday. There have been no missionaries in the branch since covid.  Pres. McBride was able to get into their little cottage and soon we will be getting it ready for new missionaries.  In two weeks the mission will receive it's first set of foreign missionaries since 2020.  Pres. Markus is very excited.  Right now the mission is down to about 45 missionaries.  He hopes to have it up to capacity within a few months.  It's going to take some time, but he's ready to go!

Goodbyes with lots of Hugs and Tears

 I realize we have now been home almost 4 weeks.  Wow how time flies.  But I still wanted to make one last and final post.  We absolutely lo...