Thursday, December 26, 2019

Year Six Graduation and Prom

End of the school year means graduation.  At the Primary school we not only had the Kindergarten graduation but there was also a Year Six Graduation.   AND A ‘PROM’.   I really loved experiencing both of these.  Kim was asked to be the guest speaker for the graduation.  He decided he wanted to share the book “The Dog Poop Initiative,” but was a little worried about it…just hearing the title can you see why?  If you know the story, you know it’s about a man who allows his dog to poop at the park and walks away from it.  When the kids come to play their soccer games, all the parents, coaches and kids try to avoid the poop.  Finally, a father comes and finds something to clean up the poop so the game can be played properly.  The point of the story…to teach initiative, responsibility and accountability.  When we see a problem, do we take the first step to solve it or do we stand back and let someone else take charge?  Do we take accountability for our actions?  Do we take on responsibilities and be responsible for our actions?  In any case, he read the story and I think it was successful.  We heard comments for several days afterwards.  Are you a pooper or a scooper?  At least we know they were listening.

The kids were so cute at graduation.  They were all dressed up.  They marched down the isle with pride.  The parents had made sashes with the kid’s names sewn onto them. Wow!  They looked awesome.  They were so  proud of their accomplishments.  It was fun to see the head male and female students turn the “baton” over to next year’s head students. That is a ceremony we don’t participate in in the US.  Then they gave a DUX award.  I don’t know what DUX means, but the award goes to the top academic student.  I’ve seen this boy around campus and he always appeared to be the kid who is friendly to all and is reaching out to everyone else.  He was also the head male student-so obviously a great kid.   He appeared very humbled and honored to receive the award.  Then they gave an award for the best all-around student.  This award went to a girl.  When she came up to receive the award, she just sobbed.  Sister Bidesi, who was conducting graduation, came up and tried to comfort her.  So cute! 

That evening they had a dinner and dance for the students which they referred to as their Prom.  They decorated the cultural hall with an emoji theme.  It was done in blue and yellow and super cute.  One of the mom’s had made a big cake with a bunch of emoji cupcakes all around it.  The parents had prepared a traditional Fijian Feast.  We were invited as the guests of honor.  We sat at a head table and the students all sat at tables  throughout the room.  Parents were invited but they didn’t sit and eat with their children.  As they introduced us they asked us to come up and say a few words.  I am NOT an impromptu speaker!  I said something to the effect that at Kindergarten graduation I made the comment that I remembered my first day of kindergarten.  But I didn’t remember the ending of my 6th grade year and leaving primary school.  But that they would probably always remember this day.  What a great send off for them as they leave Primary and head off to the college.  The LDS College is 7th grade -13th grade.  So, it’s a big deal.  And what a great way to help them remember this great accomplishment.  Kim spoke to them about the privilege they have of attending this great school where they are not only taught secular knowledge but they are spiritually fed as well.  You look out the window of their classrooms and there is the angel Moroni standing above them on the spire of the temple.  It’s an everyday reminder of who they are and how blessed they are to have the gospel of Jesus Christ in their lives.

Then we ate.  And then the dance began!  The Fijians love music and love dancing and they love their music loud!!  So, lots of loud music and dancing and fun went on for the next hour.  We loved being there and being a part of their celebration.  They are great kids with a bright future!
Year 6 Teachers: Juliet Toro and Save Batisaresare

Turning over the "baton" to the new male head student.
He will take charge of assemblies and other activities.

Year 5 singing a song for the Year 6 students.
Elder Roper delivering his graduation address.
I love all of their salusalus.  Parents provide the salusalu for their child if they desire.
The principal, Mereisi Talemaitoga, helped tie a candy garland on each graduate.
Elder Roper was given the honor to hand out diplomas.

The College principal, William Ratusaki and last year's outstanding student presenting this year's outstanding student with her jacket and trophy. 

Sister Bidesi trying to comfort her while she gave her acceptance speech.

The DUX recipient coming to give his acceptance speech. He was the Head male Student this year.

And then there was PROM...

Between Kim and I are the year 6 teachers and to Kim's left is the librarian.


Maria Tamanalevu is not only an English Teacher at the college but a mother of one of the year 6 girls.  She helped with the decorations and was the MC for the Prom.  She has since left Fiji and has moved to Utah with her husband and 3 children.  She will greatly be missed. 

1 comment:

Goodbyes with lots of Hugs and Tears

 I realize we have now been home almost 4 weeks.  Wow how time flies.  But I still wanted to make one last and final post.  We absolutely lo...