Sunday, February 2, 2020

School is in session!

School is once again in session.  The first day of school was January 14.  Kim did a great presentation to the college faculty of the importance of starting the school year prepared and with a plan.  Many of the teachers talked to us a later of how they were so ready and organized and were hitting the ground running--so to speak.  The sad thing was that only about 50% of the students had gone through the starting school orientation and were able to attend class. For the next two weeks we continued to orient students to begin a new school year.  The final day for orienting and starting school was January 24 but on Monday and Tuesday they were still allowing students in to register. It was definitely interesting to see parents who didn't seem to concerned to start their child on time.  I realize though that some of them were not able to register because they didn't have the tuition.  Because LDS Church College is a private school, there is a tuition each student has to pay.  For a member of the church they pay approximately $360 for the year.  If they are not members the tuition is double.  Many families do not have the money so they put it off and then many only pay half and they have a month to get the rest paid.  It makes me sad when I see these families that are having such a hard time financially.  There was a family from our branch that wanted to send 2 of their daughters.  One of the girls attended the college last year but the other was entering year 9 and wanted to attend so it would help her prepare to serve a mission one day.  The father is a taxi driver but for the past several weeks his car has been broken down and I don't think they had the money to get it fixed.  The mother is the secretary at their local primary school but hadn't been working all summer so she wasn't making any money either.  They have 7 beautiful children and are one of those families that impress you.  On the first day of school, the girls had gone through the orientation but they hadn't paid any of the tuition so they weren't allowed to get their class schedule and attend class.  Kim and I had planned to go in early and pay half for them but it had been a very busy morning helping other students get their orientation finished that we hadn't gotten it done.  One of the girls came to me and didn't know what they should do.  (You have to also realize they are an hour car drive and maybe 2 hour bus ride from home.)  I took her in my office and gave her the money--we had planned to do it anonymously--and she refused to take it.   I insisted and she began to cry which made me cry but I explained that we had planned to pay it all along and just take it and go pay her fees so she and her sister could go to class.  After getting her composure and thanking me many times she went off and the rest is history....  Of course, the parents offered to repay us by making monthly payments.  And of course, we refused.  I don't tell this story to pat ourselves on the back, but just to give you a little hint as to what many if not most of these people are going through.  We love them so much and are so happy to do that one little thing to help.  As our principal at the primary school would say.....Life is good!
First day of school-Front Office-parents patiently waiting to enroll their children in class.
Long Lines to pay their tuition.

 Had to share my treats with this cute one who was waiting patiently while her sibling filled out forms and went through orientation.
 Sister Qalovaki's class
 Brother Ernest V...'s class in the bure.
Sister Tilley's Class

 Lunch time
 Many of the students haven't been able to get their uniforms--the store ran out.
Office Helpers!  Mili and her daughter and Liti Bale who is the head secretary
 Sister Aliti, the school registrar
 Sister Kirti's science class
 This may be a year 9 class--not sure.  Their classes are 50-53 students!  (not on the 1st day but after all the enrollments!  Way too many!  The teachers are not happy. 

The daughter Sister Qalovaki's class.  Mother is the vice principal and teaches one class and this is her daughter who is a full time substitute.
 Brother Panapasa Ratuvukivuki's  class
 Brother Shalveen Lal's class-English
This is a class in the library.
Even with all the craziness of a new year beginning and the many students registering late, we have seen some great things happening.  YAY!  We haven't been able to spend much time yet at the Primary school but now that things are calming down at the college, we have a schedule we will be working out this week and plan to get back into the Primary School as well.  I miss them!  But we were able to peek in on their first day, which was January 15.  One day later.  My understanding is that their class sizes are at least 30 in every class.  They're a bit big this year!!  Here are only a few pictures we got. 

Kindergarteners with 60-65 in the class with 2 teachers!  CRAZY!

 Year 5 with Sister Bidesi
 Year 3 with Brother Volavola
Not sure what age class this one is.

Beautiful smiles on beautiful children.  Welcome back to school kids! 


Goodbyes with lots of Hugs and Tears

 I realize we have now been home almost 4 weeks.  Wow how time flies.  But I still wanted to make one last and final post.  We absolutely lo...