Sunday, November 27, 2022

Time is SPEEDING past

 There's so much to say and so little time to say it. Today is Sunday.  We started the morning early with a zoom meeting with ALL of my family--sisters, brother, nieces, nephews, children and grandchildren to wish my mom a happy 90th birthday.  It was so fun to see everyone and see the love she has generated.  She kept saying she can't believe this was possible.  She looked and sounded great.  Then it was off to Korovou where we attended the Korovou Branch as we always do.  Today was the Primary Program.  Livini asked us a couple of weeks ago if we could download the music for the primary so the children could sing to music.  They usually sing a cappella.  So Kim put a power-point together (because that's an easy way to have the songs ready and in order that you need them) with all the music they were singing.  Last Sunday, they practiced and I practiced with them playing the songs on my computer and using a speaker for better sound.  It was pretty rough.  They had a hard time singing WITH the music.  Mostly they were too slow.  But they still wanted to do  it.  So this morning, we got to church and I set up the speaker and soon church started.  Again, the children had a hard time keeping up but the chorister, Livini, but she was pleased.  So I am pleased that I could do  that for them.  Then I was off to teach young women.  I love the young women.  We had 11 girls and the President there today.  We had a great class.  The girls are shy to speak English and have a hard time but I felt like a got a few comments out of them.  That's a success in my book. At the end, Sister Turavu said she wanted me to record the girls wishing my mom a happy birthday.  HOW SWEET OF THEM!  After class we had a pot-luck luncheon to celebrate the Primary children.  It's always an adventure to have pot-luck.  I had some delicious fish, kasava, dalo, wild ferns (they have another name for it), barbecue chicken, chili with chips, chicken curry and tang.  Kim had some bread fruit.  I had some bread fruit at school this week for my first time and it really wasn't bad.  A little bit sweet. You have to boil it and Sarah had fried it afterwards which probably gave it more flavor. They say it is very healthy.  After the luncheon, we had a very short fireside.  Guest speaker was Peter Senioli who had been a missionary here a few months back.  He has since finished his mission.  The branch was so happy to see him, especially the youth.  He has a great relationship with them.  I'm not sure what was said since it was all in Fijian but I do know they had asked him to talk about bullying and how we treat others. Peter rode up with us so we also took him home.  He lives out past Lami, which is the next town past Suva.  It was about 30 minutes past our place but we were happy to take him there.  After the fireside the transport came and took half the branch members home and we went to the Turavu family's home.  We had a little presentation for them.  Their daughter Sophie, as well as their other children, has a huge interest in the piano.  We were made aware of a program the church has to help youth learn to play.  They provide a keyboard and instruction manual and the youth commits to lessons by a member and then play for the branch.  We took the family a keyboard today.  They were so thrilled.  I'd already been teaching Sophie on Sundays after church, but she had no way to practice during the week.  It was cute to see each member of the family try to play some things on the keyboard.  I'll do a little more teaching with her but then I'm turning it over to Sister Jarrett.  She's a little worried about it, but I think she'll do fine. There's another girl in the branch that has shown a big interest the last couple of weeks.  She needs a way to help build her confidence. I would love to be able to get a keyboard for her as well but I don't know if Sister Jarrett could handle 2 girls taking lessons. Anyway, by the time we rolled into our drive at 5:00, I actually felt very satisfied and filled with joy.  "When you are in the service of your fellow beings, you are only in the service of your God." I truly felt so much joy. I couldn't help but think, this is what the gospel of Jesus Christ is all about.  Serving, Loving, Sharing. I'm so grateful to be here and have these opportunities.  My heart is full tonight.

Our young women's class minus Salote who hates her picture taken.

 Happy Birthday to the best mom! "Sister Ardith"

Kitchen Help!  Pot-luck is always fun.
Shirley, Me and Livini

This started out with me taking a picture of three girls so I could see Ovalou in the background--such a clear day.  Then Salote took my phone and insisted I be in the picture and then more and more came.

And more...๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜

Wonderful Sisters
Meresiana, Luciana, Asenaca and Salote
Peter with some of the young men...Apeli, Naki, Penioni
Grace with baby girl. I don't know her name but she's adorable.

Selai, Me and Sophie
Loved the flowers today.
Tima, George, and Leslie. Tima and Leslie are both investigating the church.
Gift for the Turavu family-particularly Sophie.

I think she likes it!
The Turavu Family plus a few extras.

Jerry appears to have some musical interest and talent as well.

Love this crazy family
Then we got a tour of the garden area from Selai and Salote. These are long beans.  They're like a green bean only much longer.
They have a watermelon growing which they are very excited about.
George took us down to the pig.
This is what i could see holding my phone over the edge and then all of a sudden.....
"Wilbur" was IN MY FACE! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜ฎ He gave me quite a start.
He really is quite a nice fellow!  Emma says when they let him out he just likes to follow them around and sit with them on the back porch.  But they can't leave him out or someone will take him.

George showed us a couple of pineapples growing.  He picked a couple. Emma peeled and sliced them and then SALTED them.  I've eaten some very delicious pineapple here in Fiji but today's was a winner!  SO JUICY and SWEET and the salt just added that little bit of extra that made it amazing. So Good!  I will definitely miss the pineapple in Fiji.  
Today was a fabulous day.  Three weeks today we will be getting on a plane and will leave this paradise and the people we love and travel back to our home...our family whom we love as well and miss terribly and will begin another chapter in our book of life.

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