Wednesday, December 28, 2022

DECEMBER means Christmas, Parties, Graduations and going home.

 On December18, we spent about 3 hours in the Nadi Airport waiting for our flight.  I spent a good 2 hours writing a post about the graduations we had experienced in the past week.  I actually thought I even posted it right before we got on our flight to go home.  But low and behold, once I was home and reopened my blog, I see there is NO POST about graduations. 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩 So, now that Christmas is over, my family has all gone home, and things are calmed down, I will rewrite and make my final post. 

NEW INSERT: After posting this blog I see that my post on graduations really did post.  SO WEIRD!  I don't know what went wrong but now it's duplicated.  This one is much longer..... SORRY!

December was the end of the school year.  At the Primary School, it started with Kindergarten Graduation.  There's nothing cuter than a 6 year old all decked out in his/her finest clothes and sporting a beautiful salusalu.  There are parents every where and each one is trying to get the perfect picture of their little one completing their first year of school.  The kids are either beaming with joy or wide-eyed not knowing where to go and what to do.  It's a picture perfect day.  Sister Wendy Patton was the guest speaker. She played a video of the song, "   ".  It was beautiful. Several of the children knew it and were singing along.

The day following Kindergarten Graduation was Year 6 Graduation at the Primary School.  So the first year of school completed and then the final year completed at LDS Primary School.  These kids were way more excited as they knew they had accomplished great things and they knew they have lots of new things to look forward to. Elder Roper and I were the guests speakers at their graduation.  What an honor. These parents were just as excited as the parents the day before to get just the right picture of their child. And the salusalus and apparel do not disappoint. Beautiful children. 

That evening, the college had their teacher appreciation dinner.  We had delicioius food and played some fun games together.  We were able to present 2 teachers with their ITEP Teaching Certificates, which meant they completed all 10 courses.  There were 2 other teachers that also completed the program but were not able to make it to the dinner.  Daniel Kissun and Kara Tilli are two teachers that we worked with both in 2019-20 and 2022.  We are so proud of them and the work they put into getting their certificates. Mereoni Sovasova had only student teaching to complete and was able to get it done this year.  Vani Malani was a new higher since we were here in 2020 and only had a couple of classes to complete.  Elder and Sister Patton were able to take her under their wings and help her finish her certificate. Congratulations to all 4 teachers!  We're so glad to see 2 of our teachers get their certificates.

Then came Saturday and graduation at the College.  The Year 13s have 17 from the dorms and we have known these dorm kids more than any of the other students. We didn't want to miss this event! The guest speaker was Major-General Jone Kalouniwai who is the commander of the Fiji Military.  He is a member of the church and attended Church College Fiji.  He is highly respected not only in the community but in the church in Fiji.  It was quite an honor to meet him. There were a couple of the dorm student's parents who surprised their children and came for graduation.  That had to be a huge sacrifice for them.  These parents haven't seen their children since sending them away to school in 2020, so that's three years! After lots and lots of pictures and some refreshments, the students went home to prepare for prom.  Prom started at 5:00 with dinner and dancing and activities that followed.  The students were BEAUTIFUL!  They had to have a date and I think almost all were in attendance.

On Sunday, Elder Roper and I spoke in Sacrament Meeting in the Korovou Branch.  We knew this would be our last Sunday so it was a tough meeting.  I kept my composure through most of my talk, as I spoke about the birth of Jesus Christ and how it's the greatest story ever told.  Because of His birth, the world was changed forever. But at the end and I tried to thank every one....I wasn't so well composed.  Pretty much made a blubbering fool out of myself.  But so it is...because I truly love these people and I am going to miss them so very much.  Kim spoke and did a fabulous job speaking about how the last 3 years have changed our lives.  He loves this group of people also.  He was able to keep his composure much better. After Sacrament meeting, I taught Young Women's.  I love the young women in our branch.  They were all so cute and all so attentive and quiet.  I ended early because I wanted to leave a little bit of me for each of them.  I brought all my necklaces and earrings and the clothes and shoes I didn't want to return with me to the US and gave it all away.  They each left with about 3 items. Then, one more event.  Seminary graduation was next.  It was a busy day.  At first, Sister Shirley, the seminary teacher, was going to have Elder Roper and I speak but we convinced her we had just spoken in sacrament meeting.  She had Elder and Sister McBride speak instead. We got to hand out the certificates. To end the morning, we had refreshments and then lots of hugs and photos.  It was a hard day and one I will always cherish. On our way out of town and after taking Shirley and her 3 daughters home for the last time, we stopped by the Turavu's home and brought them a parting gift.  We had a photo of their family after their sealing blown up and framed for them.  We took it to them. They presented us with a gift as well.  We said one last good bye to the pig...and the family.  They are like our family to us.  We will miss them terribly. 


This little kindergartener directed her classmates as they sang a special number.  Impressive.

Sister Talemaitoga, principal, was proud of these little kiddos.

Elder Roper, Temo, 2nd grade teacher and her daughter, Marica, Sister Patton, Ruci, 1st grade teacher and Tina, 6th grade teacher. After Kindergarten graduation.

Waiting for Year 6 graduation to begin.  7th Graders Sitiveni and Joseveta who I worked with at the college on their reading.  Teancum, year 3 who is Sitiveni's little brother and Tima Vitinavulagi, remedial teacher's son.  Love these 3 boys.

                                Lead in by Year 6 Teachers, Save Bartisaresare and Tina Ravudi.



Elder Roper gave Brother Ratuvukivuki his tie of Dr. Suess to remember that we were here. Brother Ratuvukivuki is the new assistant principal and is doing a fabulous job. 

There always has to be "one" who wants to draw the attention.  πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
The DUX--top academic student


Best all-around student.  Sister Qima's daughter, not sure of her first name. Sister Qima (Lena) said she had no idea she was getting this award.  What a great honor and surprise and daughter!


Lunch for the students.

Congratulations Daniel Kissun

Congratulations Kara Tilli.

Ifamere Konataci
Sai Lacanivalu
Oere Timoteo Arouea and Liti Bale
Viliame Vesikula (Bill)
Lena, Rosa, Shalveen, Kalesi and Meli
Peniette & his husband, Ivamere and Qoli
Sere's husband, Josese, Aliti, Livia & her husband and Sere
Kara and her fiance Steven, Tippo & his wife, Elder & Sister Patton
Rosy, Livini, Ifa, Daniel, Malaki, Edward & his wife

Wilkenly, the head boy, giving is closing remarks.


Top all around students

Gloria, Jeroline, Wewena
Wewena, Nathalie and Maikep
Oere, Qoli and Una
Dorm Girls with Salei, dorm mom and her assistant
Pauline with the major-commander, her idle
Tima Vitinavulagi and her adorable son, Teancum
Hubert and his girl friend
Randy and Edward

Joseph and his younger sister Delia
They're so proud!  Wewena, Gloria, Aiavuna & Josephine
A big hug from Annie!
Gloria and Angie
Daniel and Jessy

Dorm Mom, Selai with Henao and Melissa
Aiavuna, Pauline, Nathalie, Mazina, Wewena, Melissa & Gloria
Nathalie and Gloria
Oere, Aiavuna & Kara
Aiavuna and Locklan
Atileafo and Wewena
Uraiah and Jessy
Ashton and his date
Bill, Malaki and Meli

Jopeth and Henao
Hubert and Elenoah
Paruru & Joseph

Kenley and Josephine make the cutest couple!

I'm no dancer but I sure had fun dancing with Oere!
Last but not least is Korovou Seminary Graduation/Recognition
Cathy, Karalaina, Nada, Livima, Asenaca, Merisiani, Apeli, Osea, ?
Love these girls.  So proud of them.

This young man doesn't get to come very often so we don't know him super well.  He, though, is the nicest young man and was so sweet in saying goodbye to us. He is preparing to serve a mission.  He will be a great missionary.
There is so much more to be said.....but for now.  Graduations all over the place.  So many great accomplishments.  More to come with parties and good-byes.

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Goodbyes with lots of Hugs and Tears

 I realize we have now been home almost 4 weeks.  Wow how time flies.  But I still wanted to make one last and final post.  We absolutely lo...