Saturday, October 22, 2022

Beach Time at Kiuva Beach

 We have really been busy this time around on our mission.  "Busy is better than bored."  We don't get to go to the beach very often.  But when we can, we go.  Here are just a few pictures of stop overs at the beach.  There is a beach "close" to the airport and kind of on our way home from Korovou on Sundays where we go to church.  Occasionally we'll stop on our way home, just walk on the black sands.  It's our favorite beach with palm trees that line the whole 1-2 mile stretch.  There aren't usually very many people that go there.  Definitely is not a developed beach.  Just peaceful and quiet.

Elder Roper LOVES to stop and talk to the locals. And they're generally very happy to return the acquaintance. 

Elder Roper and Elder Hair
Elder Roper, Elder & Sister Hair visiting with a local.  He was a cute young man who sang us a song!

These cute boys were selling coconuts for $3-5.  We couldn't say no to them.  Then we had to have a picture.
On this trip, we actually brought a picnic lunch and did a little swimming in the water.  It was some public holiday.  I don't remember which one.  

The boys showing us how strong they were!

We took Sister Call and Sister Mildenhall to District Conference with us. On the way home, we showed them Kiuva Beach.  This young man, Freddy, was with his grandfather.  He said he wanted to know more about the church.  On the way home, we saw the young Elder missionaries at the church we passed by.  We stopped and told them about Freddy.  They knew Freddy!  Said he comes by and visits with them often and sometimes goes out with on visits!  :)

On this particular Sunday, we were driving home with Elder & Sister Jorgensen following us.  Elder & Sister Hinkson (in the forefront) attend a unit just south of where we go to church.  We happened to come upon them just as they were turning onto the main road.  We texted them and invited them to join us.  We had a very pleasant walk on the beach that afternoon.

The sand is black a this beach and when it's wet, it's just like a mirror.  It also has little specks of gold in it.
Elder & Sister Jorgensen
Elder Roper has started wearing shorts under his sulu.  It makes it much easier for him to not expose himself.  😂😅😆😜

Phil & Debi Schramm, Abbie's in-laws, came to visit.  A good excuse to go to Kiuva Beach.  It was another Holiday, so there were a few more people there, but not much. This is the remains of a boat.  Would love to know the story there!
The police drove by making sure everyone was safe at the beach.  They stopped, got out and all wanted their pictures with us!  😅 We had that experience a LOT in China but not so much in Fiji.  We were happy to oblige.

Found this beautiful sea urchin shell. It's so delicate. We were surprised it was in such good shape.
Making Sand Castles

1 comment:

  1. Looks lovely! How much longer do you have there? We are getting close to putting our papers in. Not sure where to. Hoping for some spiritual guidance when the time comes!


Goodbyes with lots of Hugs and Tears

 I realize we have now been home almost 4 weeks.  Wow how time flies.  But I still wanted to make one last and final post.  We absolutely lo...