Saturday, October 22, 2022

Turavu Family

 It's been a crazy month and I haven't had a minute to post anything.  So there might be 2 or 3 that get posted in a row.  

We have loved the Turavu Family from the beginning of our mission back in 2019.  Jerry and Ema live in a small village outside of Korovou and attend the Korovou Branch.  He is currently serving as the 1st Counselor in the Branch Presidency, and she is the Young Women’s President.  I serve as Ema’s 1st counselor.  Ema and Jerry have 7 children, Leisa, Cathy, George, Sophie, Grace, Salote and Koto.  Leisa graduated from LDS Church College in 2021.  She recently was hired to be a flight attendant with Fiji Airway. She just started flying international flights at the beginning of this month.  She has been flying to New Zealand and Australia.  In November, I believe, she'll start flying to America.  Can't wait! It’s truly been a blessing for the family.  Cathy is currently attending LDS Church College.  For the girls to attend the college, they have to get up early in the morning and catch a bus that will take them to Nausori, then get another bus into Suva and change buses again to get the bus that takes them to school.  It takes them about 2 hours every day to make it to school which begins at 8:45. Then it’s 2 hours again to get home. That makes for a long day and takes a lot of dedication and conviction. But it's something both girls have thought it was worth the sacrifice.


Three years ago, the family journeyed to Suva for Ema and Jerry to receive their endowments and to be sealed in the temple. When they got there, they were disappointed to learn they couldn’t complete their dreams because Jerry had not been ordained to the Melchizedek Priesthood. Things happened and they didn’t make it before Covid hit and we all know what that means.  Finally, on September 10, 2022 we were able to accompany Ema and Jerry to the temple for their first time.  After receiving their own endowments with their oldest daughter, Leisa, they were sealed together. The children were brought in and the children were sealed to them for eternity.  The girls said they looked like angels all dressed in white in the temple.  It truly was a beautiful sight.  Afterwards we took them to a local restaurant and had lots of pizza.  It’s a day that this family worked hard for for many years.  They are a strong family and one of the stalwarts in the Korovou Branch.


This past week, Debi and Phil Schramm have been here in Fiji visiting.  We tell everyone that they are the grandparents to three of our grandchildren.  Their son, James, married our daughter, Abbie.  While they were here, Ema insisted she have us out for a traditional Fiji lovo dinner.  What a fabulous dinner. A lovo dinner is cooked in a pit with hot stones to cook the food. There was chicken, dalo, corned beef wrapped in dalo leaves and cooked in coconut milk, other greens cooked similarly with coconut milk, chicken curry, potato salad, and chicken Chow Mien.  There may have been more, but that’s all I can remember.  Ema made fresh lemonade from their lemon tree. Amazing! There was also cake made with plantains and another cake made with mangos.  It was all delicious.  But mostly it was just joyous to spend the evening with this lovely family.  At the end, they presented us with the woven grass mat that we had sat on during dinner.  There were also a couple of neighbor boys who both joined the church recently.  Jerry’s son from a previous marriage was also there.  It was a pleasure getting to know him and finding he is as pleasant and kind as his father.


Whenever we have visitors at the branch, the Korovou girls take good care of them.  Sophie, Grace, Salote and Koto love to show guests around the building, help them find the hymns in the hymn book, sit by them in church and be their friend for the day. Sophie is also very interested in learning how to play the piano. I’ve been trying to teach her the best I can.  While teaching her, Grace has also sat close by and has been learning. Cathy and Salote are picking up the basics.  There are always other youth who join in and want to have their turn at the keyboard.  I love teaching them.  There are usually four different sets of hands trying to play the same song. 


 Back Left to Right: Sophie, George, Jerry, Ema, Cathy, Leisa

Front: Grace, Koto, Salote



Elder & Sister McBride, (he serves as the branch president) Nai (a supportive Branch member) Sister Bulovou on towards the right side is also a supportive branch member.
Elder & Sister Jorgensen, who also serve in the Korovou Branch
Adorable Family: Cathy, Leisa, Ema, Jerry, Sophie & Grace
George, Salote & Koto

After going to the temple, Koto found a $5 bill in the bushes.  It was like manna from heaven.  She was delighted when her mother said she could buy whatever she wanted with her $5.

One donut to make this 6 year old very happy! Cost? $5!
 She chose to share it with Salote! πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•
Waiting for pizza!

Ema could be our daughter.  We look alike, right?  Well, maybe not but she was born 2 months after we lost our own little Meggie.  So, she could be our daughter! I think they knew each other before they came here to this life!

Koto at a baptism. I think that is Grace down by the water.
Piano Lessons

Koto and Lili playing a jacks type came with stones. 

This was the evening when we had dinner at the Turavu's home.  It had been raining most of the day.  Their home is at the top of a hill with a steep drive--and as you can see the drive way is just red clay.  Elder Roper thought for sure he could make it up.  But he was mistaken.  He tried to back down but somehow slid sideways into the hill.  We were STUCK!  After dinner, Jerry took his 2 boys and a couple of neighbor boys and somehow they were able to get the car back to the road.  Debi Schramm got a good laugh out of this one.  She took the pictures!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ We needed them to have a good Fijian experience. 

Notice the woven grass mats on the floor.  So beautiful.  And here are all her dishes that she had prepared.
Sitting down to eat. 
After we ate and everything was cleaned up.
Wais and Apeli (spellings are wrong I'm sure) taking selfies with my phone.
The family with Schramms and Us
George, Apeli and Cathy taking selfies.
More selfies--me with Apeli and Grace
Apeli, Wais and me...selfies

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